Thursday, June 16, 2005

«X This from Your Vocab»

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«Regarding Generation X, well, the whole point is that there never was or will be a definition.
Generation X was first published in March 1991 in the US and Canada. Back then, pundits were also using that dreadful word "20something." Of course, half a decade later, 50 percent of those initial 20somethings are 30somethings, but it appears that pundits pluck the X-term out of the sack every time they need a synonym for young people.
I think it started out being pejorative, and now it's like Kleenex or Jell-O. Semiotically blank. I've always thought the kerfuffle was pretty silly and have consistently shied away from this sort of phone-sex-type explicitness of X-definition mania since there's nothing to describe. I guess if you identified with the characters or the themes in that book you might be "X," but even that's corny.
Back in 1991, some guy in Orange County named Warren kept hounding me to sell/make/produce Generation X T-shirts, and I said, "Warren, keep your money, because nothing could be less X than wearing a T-shirt saying 'Generation X.'»

Douglas Coupland em resposta à pergunta "como classificar a Geração X?", publicada na revista Wired em 27 de Janeiro de 1997.


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